What growth marketers need to know about SEM

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is a long-term strategy to attract more qualified prospects and convert them into paying customers. But effective SEM strategies differ from other channels in some ways.

Here are our top tips for your Search Engine Marketing success.

Build dedicated landing pages

Create landing pages for each product and service before your campaign goes live, complete with contact forms that track conversions.

Sometimes a specific landing page is unavailable for a particular product or ad campaign in B2B or B2C companies. Since they don’t know where the leads are coming from, it isn’t easy to convert and measure their paid search campaigns.

Enhance the humanity of the design

In the age of artificial intelligence and automated marketing, it’s easy to forget that humans seek other humans.

It is essential to show visitors that your company is run by people, for people, in your ads, landing pages, and other media. Make sure you don’t end up with text-based assets without visual appeal.

Deliver value throughout the decision process

Who is clicking on all those links? According to Microsoft research, customers go through five phases of purchase intent:

1. Awareness
2. Consideration
3. Conversion
4. Maintenance
5. Expansion

Use paid search to boost other investments

Search enforced by social

Customers who click on sponsored search ads are likelier to buy and spend more. So, increase keyword coverage for commercial search ads. And reinforce those efforts by running remarketing campaigns on GDN and social media.

Search and TV

An ad’s impact on search volume can last for days after it airs. There have been cases where search volume increased by nearly 30% after the last ad in a campaign.

Search and display

Concurrently running search and display ads may help you determine which channel delivers the best results or a combination of both.

Customize ads for mobile devices

Google Ads must account for mobile devices without compromising desktop usability because mobile accounts for roughly half of all web traffic. As a result, mobile and desktop audiences are equally important.

Google Ads’ device targeting allows you to optimize your media for specific scenarios.

The search engine marketing industry is fast-paced and highly competitive. Still, you can succeed with the right approach and team. Let our paid search experts show you how to unleash the potential of your business.

Get in touch with AARK SEM experts here.


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